Saturday, December 18, 2010

Departure Days

December 18, 2010

Well, this wll be the last blog from Moldova, but I do plan to write one or two more reflection ones after I return to the USA. It is about noon on Friday and I leave in just over 48 hours from now--Monday afternoon! So, I'm including just a few items related to my last few days here. I'm including a couple of photos firom presentations--although you're probably tired of those by now.  In addition, I have some photos of a couple of good bye scenes as well a couple showing the winter weather and decorations around town. This blog will be rather short as I want to reflect a little more before entering some final remarks--after I return.

Winter arrived in Chisinau and the holiday spirit is in the air! People are all putting up decorations in their homes, apartments and of course the city has decorated the parks, streets and many public places. Here, the most important Christmas day is January 6, but the celebrations are starting well before that.  If you think of the song "The twelve days of Christmas" and the different gifts on each day, that is a little like the 12 days between  December 25 and January 6.  There is not the gifting on every day--that's in the song, but certainly not here--but that time is now the "Christmas season". But, the season really started about the10th  when all the city decorations were turned on--maybe even a few days before.  There are Christmas trees to buy here, Santa appears at a few places and friends start to visit, chat and plan for the holdidays.

The presentation photos were taken at a conference and at the Institute of International Management where I talked about Corporate Social Responsibility to students and  several faculty members. The departure photos include me at a couple of small or larger gatherings saying good byes to people I've come to know while here.

The last two photos show the city during a snow storm that actually was quite nice and not destructive although certainly a bit cold. It led me to buy a new winter cap to cover my ears.
So, while this is my last posting from Moldova, I hope you'll stay in touch for some follow ups I'll do after my return wich  hope goes well!

Bill McCarty
This is part of the crowd at the American Studies Center's conference.

Organizers and Keynote speakers (I was 1 of 2) at American Studies Center Conference

I'm giving a talk to the Institute of International Management on Corporate Social Responsibility

Students at Institute of International Management
 This is an interesting monument to
the overthrow of the Soviet
regime--described as occupiers.
It stans in the tow's center in
front of one of the large ministry buildings.
Dinner with colleague Arelia Braguta and her husband Valeriu Strelet, a member of Parliament and VP of his Liberal Democratc Party

Dinner with the Ex-Pats of Chisinau group-showing Andy, Rali, Rich and Sandy (hidden).

Dennis (landlord's son) and me by city center in light snowstorm wth city lights

Dennis and Arch in back left and lights of Chisinau

That's it for now!

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